How to learn Norwegian fast!


6 proven steps that can definitely get you to learn Norwegian (or any new language) fast. They are indeed easy to say but hard to do! 

1. Understand the process

I’ve got two basic facts to share with you. First, you need the input to produce the output. And remember! Learning a new language (or any new skills) takes time and effort. 

Both passive and active listening will help you improve both your listening and speaking skills. Reading will help you expand your vocabulary and enhance your understanding of the sentences’ structure. So!? Go find your inputs, many many inputs! 

2. Jump into the surrounding

The best learning process is to learn from the real-life source. You go out there and use it. Many Norwegians can speak English; either the basic level or professional fluency. So, it’s easy to slip into an English conversation. My advice? Just stick with Norwegian.

What I’ve learned here is that the first time you have a conversation with someone is very important. If it is in English, it tends to continue that way each and every time you meet that person again. Personally, I would just insist on speaking Norwegian from the beginning and use English as just a helping tool. 

3. Put on thick skin because mistakes are a must!

From my personal experience, I found it quite discouraging at first. I couldn’t speak Norwegian well and people talked fast with no mercy (maybe because I insisted on continuing the convo in Norwegian.) Once I could speak some, then there were new people with new dialects. Oh gosh…the challenge never ends!

(I even experienced racism and mockery during this time. If you’ve even encountered one, don’t let these bad experiences discourage you.)

So my best advice, put on your thick skin and just DGAF (don’t give a fuss)! Go out and make mistakes. It is an inevitable step!

4. Expand your vocabulary (and educate yourself some grammatical basics.)

Vocabulary is important and, in my perspective, grammar too! With a variety of vocabulary and basic grammar knowledge, you can go a loooooong way. You will be able to form complex sentences, which are obviously useful in many situations; from basic conversation to professional argumentation. Basically, you will be able to communicate much, much better.

I guarantee you if you put yourself out there in the Norwegian-speaking surrounding, you will find a new word (or two) every day! Use that opportunity to expand your knowledge.

5. Exploit the technology today

Once you spot a new word, jot it down, record or do whatever with it so that you can remember it. There’re lots of technologies today that can help you learn a new language, as well as apps and websites. Make use of them!

Read here Best dictionary apps and websites for learning Norwegian

6. Be kind and patient with yourself

This one might not be a tip to learn Norwegian fast, but it is definitely one of the most important things to do while you are learning Norwegian (or any new skill, really!)

We are all the harshest judges of ourselves. My first year when I moved here was the most frustrating year in my life. The inability to use the language is the no.1 reason. I felt like a baby – so helpless.

As time passed, my Norwegian has become better and my confidence has grown stronger. Thinking back to the first year, it was actually a necessary step – to start somewhere. I can even understand more dialects now!

So…be kind and patient with yourself!

Share with me! How is your experience learning Norwegian or any other new language?